Monday, June 18

Colorado Cycling Festival - Rist Canyon Road Race

My adventures started Friday when driving to Boulder to pick up my bike. About 1/2 mile past the foothills parkway exit, my left front differential and drive shaft blew up on my car. As I'm calling roadside assistance my cell phone died. I then yelled, threw my phone, and said lot of dirty words. This was just icing on the cake for how my past week had gone. Luckily a service technician from the dealership stopped to make sure I was ok and I borrowed his phone to call my buddy Taylor to come get me so I could pick up my bike before the shop closed. Gotta have priorities. We left the car for the tow truck to pick up and headed on to Fort Collins.

After a quick spin to try to loosen the legs from not riding for two days, Taylor and I joined Owen, and Erin for dinner at Enzo's. Big thanks to Owen and Erin for allowing us to crash at their place.

The Race - I cracked....Not much more to say about the race than that. 4 crits, 2 crashes, travel, little sleep, and stress from work all within a week finally caught up with me. I had no power from the beginning and knew I was going to be in trouble. I got dropped up the climb quick then rode the rest of the race with Brian Huggins from HART. I ended up 46th/60+ starters giving up 13 min to the winner. My race turned into a training ride, and I was able to enjoy the course and views. Even though my effort sucked, the course was awesome. It had a little of everything, flats, long climb, long descent, and steep rollers. My favorite section was the downhill and and the steep rollers across Horsetooth Reservoir. Here is a pic of me on the back of a group of 4 going across the rez. My favorite road course to date. I thought the event was well run, and the BBQ after the race was great way to catch up with everyone and make excuses for how bad we did. I would highly recommend doing this race next year. After detonating, I decided to skip the race Sunday and instead had a great day with my better half. Breakfast at Crepes n' Crepes. I went with the Nutella and strawberries. Lunch and Beers at the Irish Hound. Followed by a afternoon nap and a light dinner at home watching the Soprano's finale. WTF with the ending, hated it.

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