Saturday, July 15

Saturday Training Ride

I decided to bag the crit in Ft. Morgan since there are no upgrade points available and instead do a long training ride. The 100+ degree temps forcasted for Denver, saw me Ty, and Taylor leaving my house at 6am (ouch)to try and beat the heat. Taylor was our tour guide today, and from the start was all business. We did 71 miles in 4:04 w/ 4400ft of climbing

Avgs: speed 17.8 mph, hr 147, power 172

Max: speed 53 mph, hr 178, power 1117

total work: 2407 kj

Looking forward to more of the same tommorrow.

Oh Yeah - It sucks when your AC freezes and it is 101 out.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

dude, it as freakin' hot out there! it was a good turn nonetheless.