Monday, January 30

Rollin n' Powder

Well, Saturday I rode with Swift. Steve H., Al, and I got in about 3.5 hours of base work in over 51 miles. We went up Rabbit MTN (7 miles up with 700ft of elevation). Sunday I hit Vail which had 15+ plus inches in the back bowls. I wish I had pictures, but I was rolling solo. Epic day (2nd best day of skiing I've ever had) . Brian and Jessica are coming in on Wednesday and we are going to spend the weekend at Vail. Hope the snow stays good.


Bike Drool said...

brian and jessica? nooo, couldn't be... worry not, my drug dealing friend, trouble is on the way.

C. Dugan said...

I believe a different Brian (my brother in law) and Jessica. Gimme a shout when your heading out.