Wednesday, February 4


Well we survived the epic Ice Storm this past week. We were without power for 5 days. Didn't realize how much you use it until its gone (I was reduced to checking facebook and email on my phone). There are still 100,000 people in Ky that don't have it. Following the storm we had our 2 busiest days at work on record. Sometimes a feel like I'm a robot at work...

Other News:
Coen has popped out 2 bottom teeth, and is starting to get mad when you take things from him. It was cute at first, but that wore off quickly. He's growing up so fast.

Got my first day of training for River 2 River today. I also ordered some new Newton kicks. Thought I'd check out the whole forefoot running technique. Anything to make it easier more efficient, because I really don't like to run. I Guess I do the relay to remind my how much I love cycling. Last year I swore I wouldn't run it again, but how quickly you forget. As an added bonus they look sick.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Hey, Casey! Just checking in on ya. How are you liking the Newtons? I'm in some Asics I like now, but I read about these and am curious what you're thinking! Hope all is well!